We would like to hear from you and if any graces or miracles may have happened through his intercession, please keep a detail record on what happened and hold on to it for now while we aren't ready for receiving such information just yet.
Second, please do not ask for the usual request of relics, because his cause has not opened due to no miracles through his intercession and he must have the recognized status of Blessed for relics for personal devotion to be sent to the faithful. You may print off a photo of him and put in a frame beside your bed or wherever you need a holy reminder.
Third, all information I have on my uncle comes from the New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia, if you are able to find more or live in Rome and can visit the Vatican Library to search; maybe you can find more. He worked in the Vatican Library.
Fourth, if you want to help, it will be for free and please be kind and curtious if you have to talk to other people and ask questions, we need all the help we can get, plus clergy and theologians on our team if we can find Traditional ones.