A goal and inspiration after reading of his work Libri Tres which is in Latin, even from the Preface and just few opening pages, you learn how important his writings are for the Church today and praying on what to do, it came to me to ask the Catholic World of Writers and Publishers and Translators if they could contact the current people re-printing his works in the Old English and Traditional Latin Type Setting
Which is very difficult to read by the modern learning we have today where it is hard to comprehend, so I have asked if the Catholic Writers, Publishers and Translators could get together and see, as if I have mentioned before, get the approval of the current re-printers to make sure the translation is accurate and readable for every day Catholics today and can be affordable for them as well. I have not received my response, that it would be expensive, but as I have mentioned, that I am on limited funds and cannot put my name on anything or the government who does the disability payments will stop the payments I use to pay my medical bills from my medical disability.
One suggestion was a donation funding, a crowd funding, like the website Go Fund Me does and I could tweet it, put it on Facebook, send out emails on it, post it on the different Catholic forums.