William Cardinal Allen

Pray For His Canonization

This man who worked for the love of God and His Church as the librarian of the Vatican, founded the English College in Douai France, founded seminaries, gave the Catholic World the Doaui Rheims bible, the first ever English Catholic Bible translated from the Latin Vulgate and most of all fought to defend the Faith during the Protestant Revolt.
This Cardinal, did not live as the other Cardinals in the Vatican by seeking power and riches, he lived poverty, he lived the Gospel of Our Lord as St. Ignatius of Loyola taught by his actions, but he also did not compromise the Faith, but defended it by his actions and words of the books he has written.
I am sad to say, the Jesuit Order of today does not represent what St. Ignatius founded and does not live it's mission of defending the Faith, due to numerous bad and evil examples of their brethren around the world and here in the United States promoting and living contrary to the Orthodox Faith of the Church, they are, as my great uncle would say, "they are living as Apostates and are Heretics." Meaning, they are no longer of God, no longer of the Church and no longer of the Holy Trinity and can no longer give the Sacraments or Receive them.
William Cardinal Allen's defense of the Faith as a hero of the Counter Reformation and strict living as Our Lord and the holy founder St. Ignatius of Loyola said to live, he merits Canonization and Formal Recognition of his example of what it means to be a Cardinal and Theologian and most of all a Catholic who defends the Faith and promotes the entire Faith.
The brave Priests and Laity of the Counter Reformation, should be honored in the Vatican, instead of the Condemned Heretic, Martin Luther and the Holy Father, if he cared and truly loves the Faith, he would not cause grave scandal by taking part in a celebration regarding when the Heretic caused the split from the Church, the One True Faith and Church founded by Jesus Christ, the other Protestant religions are man made and are not of Christ, this can be plainly seen by the division and seed of confusion when everyone can define what the bible says and it causes more splits.
Pray that my uncle and all his fellow brave Catholics who helped fight the Protestant Revolt will be recognized by the Church whom they loved and protected, even to death.